onur gülfidan

onur gülfidan

Onur Gülfidan’s latest exhibition, “not as it seems” features, once again, mankind. “Man is the only creature on earth that does not act as he is or seems. Everything he does, every word he utters is planned, calculated, his desires are endless…his ego is insatiable.” Onur Gülfidan’s most recent paintings are the results of his desire to reverse the truth with visible elements and a realist brush. It is the duty of Gülfidan’s heroes who are sometimes J.F Kennedy or even Bambi to prevent this ambitious adventure and suggest new adventures. These works are not the pictures of a story. They are the fantasies of an ear which aims to sabotage that story. The artist’s reality-conflicting and uncompromising compositions are on display until 26 March.

Quoted from the review by Ayşegül Sönmez.